Firearms & Ammunition Import/Export Roundtable Representing Firearm Ammunition Importers and Exporters Since 1994 |
DAY 1: ATF | Thursday, June 15 – ATF
7:30 - 8:30 | Light Continental Breakfast in Bellagio Ballroom #1
8:30 – 9:00 | ATF Introduction (General Updates and Announcements)
9:00 – 10:30 | Gov Contracts and Government Furnished Equipment: What’s Exempt and What Isn’t
10:30 – 10:45 | Break
10:45 - 11:30 | ATF Imports – Foreign Trade Zones and Customs Bonded Warehouses
11:30 – 12:00 PM | New Marking Requirements and New Gunsmithing Rules – Real Word Examples
12:00 – 1:00 PM | Sit Down Lunch with Keynote Speaker –
Rick Patterson, Liberty’s Keystone, LLC
1:00 – 2:00 PM | Tax and Trade Bureau – Basics and Common Scenarios
Robert Fielding, Excise Tax Auditor
2:00 – 2:45 | Machine Gun Demonstration Letters – Criteria for Approval (differences for import and domestic transfers) and Current Enforcement Efforts / Corrections to NFRTR - Best Approaches
2:45 - 3:00 - Break
3:00 – 4:45 | ATF Round tables
4:00 - 6:00 | Networking Reception
DAY TWO: Export | Friday, June 16
7:30 – 8:30 | Light Continental Breakfast in the Bellagio Ballroom #1
8:30 – 9:00 | DDTC Licensing Introduction / Updates (General Updates and Announcements, ITAR Reorg, etc.)
Samantha Sison, Licensing Analyst
9:00 – 10:00 | DDTC Technical Assistance Agreements (TAA), Manufacturing Licensing Agreements (MLA), Warehouse Distribution Agreements, and Defense Services.
LCDR Caitlin Calhoon (USN), Agreements Officer
10:00 – 10:15 | Break
10:15 – 11:15 | Brokering – Basics and Common Scenarios
Tom Trotto, Licensing Analyst
11:15 – 12:00 | Commodity Jurisdictions
Nick Memos, Foreign Affairs Officer
12:00 - 1:00 | Sit Down Lunch
Panel Discussion with Hon. R. Clarke Cooper, Former Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs
1:00 – 1:30 | BIS Introduction/Updates
Steven Clagett – Director, Nuclear & Missile Technology Controls / Firearms & Ammunition Controls
Tim Mooney – Regulatory Policy Specialist
Ron Rolfe – Senior Engineer
1:30 – 2:15 | BIS Country Issues and Sanctions
Steven Clagett – Director, Nuclear & Missile Technology Controls / Firearms & Ammunition Controls
Tim Mooney – Regulatory Policy Specialist
Ron Rolfe – Senior Engineer
2:15 – 3:00 | BIS – Exemptions and Common Scenarios
Steven Clagett – Director, Nuclear & Missile Technology Controls / Firearms & Ammunition Controls
Tim Mooney – Regulatory Policy Specialist
Ron Rolfe – Senior Engineer
3:00 – 3:15 | Break and Light Snack
3:15 – 5:00 | DDTC/BIS Round tables